secure a loan

美 [sɪˈkjʊr ə loʊn]英 [sɪˈkjʊə(r) ə ləʊn]
  • 争取到贷款;为贷款提供抵押
secure a loansecure a loan
  1. He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house .


  2. Assets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan or other credit , and subject to seizure in the event of default .


  3. Owners of Amazon 's Kindle e-reader who want to borrow e-books from libraries are now redirected to Amazon 's website , where they must use their Amazon account to secure a loan .


  4. We 'll need to secure a bank loan .


  5. When I needed collateral to secure a home loan , he helped me .


  6. Cypriots need to come up billions of dollars to secure a rescue loan from European countries .


  7. To secure ( a loan ) through use of collateral . Guarantees - Many are only as good as the institution offering it .


  8. In a secure environment only a loan officer would have the authority to manually approve or reject a loan .
